Creating a shared-interest marijuana club


As a top drug attorney in the state of New York, I have been asked to provide legal guidance on creating a shared-interest community marijuana club without a dispensary license. In this legal document, I will outline the benefits and limitations of having a weed club, provide legal cases supporting the creation of shared-interest communities, and outline the steps needed to legally operate a marijuana club in the state of New York.

Benefits of a Shared-Interest Community (Weed Club):

A shared-interest community (weed club) is a membership-based club where individuals can gather to consume and purchase marijuana. One of the main benefits of a weed club is that it allows for the social consumption of marijuana. In the state of New York, smoking marijuana in public places is still illegal, but a weed club provides a private, comfortable space for members to consume.

Additionally, a shared-interest community operates similarly to a non-profit organization, where profits are not the primary goal. Instead, the focus is on community building and serving the needs and interests of its members.

Legal Cases Supporting Shared-Interest Communities:

New York’s Compassionate Care Act outlines a framework for dispensaries to sell medical marijuana to patients with qualifying conditions. However, this law does not address the creation of shared-interest communities or weed clubs. Nonetheless, legal cases in other states have upheld the creation of shared-interest communities for the consumption and sale of marijuana.

For example, the California Supreme Court ruled that a marijuana dispensary could operate as a shared-interest community, treating the sale of marijuana as a membership-based, non-profit activity. Similarly, Colorado has allowed for the creation of marijuana social clubs, where individuals can consume marijuana in a public, private setting.

Limitations of a Shared-Interest Community Selling Marijuana vs. a Dispensary in NYC:

While a shared-interest community or weed club provides many benefits, there are some limitations to consider. In New York, marijuana clubs must operate as private, invitation-only events. Memberships must be limited to individuals 21 years of age or older and members cannot bring outside guests to the club.

One significant limitation of a shared-interest community is that they cannot legally sell marijuana. Only licensed dispensaries can sell medical marijuana to patients. Therefore, weed clubs must operate as non-profit organizations where members pay fees for access to the club, rather than paying for marijuana.

Additionally, a weed club cannot advertise or promote the sale of marijuana. The club’s activities must remain private and confidential, and members cannot openly discuss the purchase of marijuana.

Steps to Legally Operate a Shared-Interest Community Marijuana Club in New York:

  1. Determine the location and type of shared-interest community – the space should be private and comfortable, with enough room for members to consume marijuana safely. The club should be organized as a non-profit organization.
  2. Create legal documents outlining the club’s activities, rules, and regulations. This should include a membership agreement, a waiver and release of liability, and a code of conduct.
  3. Apply for and obtain necessary licenses and permits, such as a business license and a tax ID number.
  4. Develop a membership application process that includes age verification and proof of residency.
  5. Develop a method of payment that ensures privacy, such as cash or cryptocurrency.
  6. Establish strict rules and guidelines for consumption and the use of marijuana within the club.
  7. Develop a system of security to ensure the safety and privacy of members.
  8. Partner with licensed dispensaries to provide products and education to members.
  9. Maintain strict confidentiality and privacy of all club activities.

Selling Online:

In New York, online sales of marijuana are illegal. Therefore, selling marijuana online to members would not be legal. However, a shared-interest community could sell marijuana-related goods online, such as educational resources, apparel, or smoking accessories, to members only.


In conclusion, a shared-interest community marijuana club can provide many benefits to its members, including social consumption, community building, and education. While there are limitations to consider, including not being able to sell marijuana, creating a weed club can be a legally viable option in New York. By following the legal steps outlined in this document and working with licensed dispensaries, a shared-interest community can operate safely and within the boundaries of the law.