Oh weed, oh weed, how addictive you be You make us giggle, and feel so carefree We crave your touch, your sweet embrace Even though we know we’ll be in a daze
Weed, oh weed, you make us forget Our worries disappear, and our minds reset We munch and we snack, oh so much fun But soon enough, we’ll be on the run

Our eyes start to droop, and our heads hit the floor But we don’t care, we just want more We’ll smoke and we’ll vape, until we’re all done But the addiction lingers, it’s never gone
Oh weed, oh weed, you make us feel great But when we’re without you, we’ll just sit and wait For the next hit, the next high We’ll live for your effects, until we die
So here’s to weed, our one true love The plant we can’t get enough of But let’s be careful, and use in moderation Lest we fall victim to its intoxication